#2 Body Language Online

Q: What are two of the important aspects of body language I want to improve the most when having an online meeting/class next time? Why?

A: I want to improve my facial expressions and avoid touching the face when having an online meeting next time.

    1.  Avoid touching the face   

Because I found that when the online meeting asked to turn on the camera, I would unconsciously adjust my hair or bite my lower lip from time to time. I just realized that these little habits are all because of nervousness. In order to make others feel that I am at ease if I need an online meeting at work in the future, I think I need to improve this and train myself in front of the camera don't be nervous.


    2. Facial expressions   

Because online meeting  is more difficult to feel each other's mood than in actual face-to-face meeting, so first of all, it may be observed from facial expressions, and if you want the person you are talking to make you feel comfortable, you must do it first, so I think facial expressions is also considered important.

So these are the two body language which I want to improve the most when I having an online meeting or class, I hope I can achieve my goals one day.

